Mining Excellence,


Harnessing Nature Intelligence for Climate Resilient and Competitive Mining Operations

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Climate Strategy is Business Strategy

Sustainable Freedom to Operate

In an era defined by environmental consciousness and heightened regulatory scrutiny, the mining industry stands at a pivotal crossroads. As demands for sustainable practices intensify, traditional approaches no longer suffice.

To overcome these challenges, we offer mining companies a transformative edge, enabling precise monitoring and management of environmental impacts, resource consumption, and compliance obligations. Together, we foster operational efficiency, stakeholder trust, and long-term viability.

Green mining market forecasted growth by 2029
Source: Global green mining market value 2021-2029. Statista Research Department, 2023
Of mining investors demand Water Stewardship
Source: EY mining and metals business risks and opportunities survey data 2024.
Discover the Power of Nature Intelligence
Actionable Intelligence
Review water stewardship performance and carbon intensity at a glance. Inspire data-driven action with taskable recommendations.
Increase Market Share with Sustainability
Act on the opportunities of sustainability, attribute success to efforts, and increase top and bottom line results.
Differentiated Pricing Increase
Profit Margin Protection
Yield Increase
Automated Disclosure Workflows
Automatically populate data for GHG, CDP, SBTi and ICMM disclosure directly from the platform.
Stay on Track, Share Progress
Set, track, and disclose Carbon and Water performance targets. Continuously measure and report on progress.
24/7 Data Collection
Gather primary data across the value chain - reducing the need to query stakeholders.
Differentiated Pricing Increase
Profit Margin Protection
Yield Increase
Segregate Commodities
Understand inventory carbon intensity and compliance and differentiate pricing accordingly.
Measure and Reduce Carbon Intensity
Manage product-level carbon intensity, plan carbon taxes, and quantify the cost of carbon in your organization.
Differentiated Pricing Increase
Profit Margin Protection
Yield Increase
Let's Talk

Unlock an Intelligent Climate Action. Get started today.

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